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O’Niel Edwards


  • Paula miller
    Posted July 18, 2024 at 11:32 am

    Heavenly peace to your father.

  • Ryan jeffrey
    Posted July 18, 2024 at 11:43 am

    My heart felt condolences t9 my long love brother., .Neil Edwards On this mournful day of the passing of his dad…Mr O’Neil Edwards.. Mr.Edwards I first met almost 56 years ago to the day and simple became known to me as Pops. Neil and I had formed a bond from 1st year at primary school through to today and someone whom I have always referred to as my oldest recolwcted friend. S9 the memories of his dad have and will always be rekindled by the stories we shared about family life. Those which painted him as a firm but fair dad and one who did his outmost for my friend and his family. So I share the grief of my brother at this time of mourning and give him the strength to cope with the grief of his dad’s passing. Words alone aee often not enough in times such as these.., but time and fond memories I hope in time…would help to sooth the pain. Blessings to you and the family Brother B..Ryan and Family.

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