You would agree with me that a brisk walk early in the morning can be beneficial both physically and mentally? Walking in the morning gets your heart pumping while improving your circulation, it reduces stress, increases your energy level, and allows you to connect with nature, which can be calming and rejuvenating.
Though I accomplish all the above on my morning walk, I cannot understand why and how my neighbor who is almost twice my age rises before me and is always ahead of me while I am walking. I, on the other hand, am trying to play catch up.
There is a saying that goes,
“The race is not for the swiftest, but for those who endure the most”
I am not certain who I am at this time while writing this blog, but I will continue.
Alas, I decided this morning to attempt walking alongside the little old lady and enquire about her age and where she gets all her energy. I did say attempt. I started walking thinking, “This will be easy”, only to find out the old lady had a surprising burst of speed and endurance, leaving me scrambling to keep up. The idea that I suddenly had competition was amusing to me.
Why, I can only imagine if there was a commentator for this fast paced walk, they would now be adding some dramatic flare to the commentary to make it more humorous.

A thought:
Having passed the old lady I reflected on part of David Rudder’s calypso which said, “Dust in their face” while chuckling to myself the amount of energy I required to complete this feat. The aftermath was no less humorous, as I discovered that I was running a race all by myself. The old lady had no clue what was happening. I kid you not, the contrast between my exhaustion and her calm demeanor left me in stitches.
My lesson learned, however, was that the elderly place priority on their health and exercise to live a more fulfilling life, and that wisdom and experience sometimes supersedes youth and energy.
I ask you to remember always, “The key to light fun is recognizing that humor comes in unexpected and playful aspects of situations”.
Ah, Sweating!!!!!!!
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