Belgroves Funeral Homes is a reputable funeral service provider known for its expertise in global repatriations of deceased individuals. With a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in the repatriation process, Belgroves can facilitate the respectful and dignified transportation of your deceased loved ones to their home countries or preferred final resting places worldwide.
One of our core strengths is our extensive network and partnerships with international funeral homes, airlines, and relevant authorities across different countries. This network allows us to navigate the complex legal, logistical, and administrative requirements associated with repatriations seamlessly.
Our dedicated team of professionals works closely with your family, understanding your specific needs, cultural considerations, and legal obligations.
Allow us to facilitate the experience of honourees returning home for their final rites.
Service Include
Brokerage & Handling Charges
Transportation from Airport
Minor Embalming Corrections
Administrative Cost
Obtaining Landing Permit
Only citizens of Trinidad & Tobago can be repatriated to this country after death
Funeral Services are planned as usual